Download Constitution
Adopted 1973
(Amended 1977, 1979, 1987, 1997, 2008)
Article I
The name of this organization, which was previously known as the Committee on Forest Tree Breeding in Canada and the Canadian Tree Improvement Association, shall be the Canadian Forest Genetics Association from this date, 25th August 2008.
Article II
The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the use of scientifically and technically sound genetic practices in Canadian forestry by:
i) fostering discussion on scientific and technical matters relating to all aspects of tree improvement in Canada;
ii) promoting liaison and information exchanges between people working in forest genetics and tree improvement and those concerned with seed collection and tree establishment;
iii) fostering the active participation of managers, practising foresters, and representatives of forest industries in problem analysis and priority designation in the field of tree improvement;
iv) advising and assisting in the formulation of policies leading to better tree improvement practices and, where necessary, recommending changes in such policies.
Article III
a. Classes of Membership
1. Honorary membership
Election to honorary membership shall signify recognition of outstanding contributions to genetic improvement of trees in Canada. A letter of nomination from an active member, co-signed by three other members, shall be received by the Executive Secretary not less than 60 days prior to the business meeting at which election is proposed. A two-thirds affirmative vote of members voting at that business meeting shall be required for election to honorary membership.
2. Sponsoring membership
Persons in a senior supervisory position in a firm or agency which provides substantive support of tree improvement in Canada shall be encouraged to accept sponsoring membership. Election to sponsoring membership shall require nomination by an active member and approval by the Association Executive.
3. Active membership
Persons conducting work in forest genetics, tree improvement, tree seed production, and closely allied fields in Canada are eligible for active membership. Election to active membership shall require nomination by an active member, seconding by any other member, and approval of a majority of members voting at a business meeting. Active members will be expected to submit a written report on their work prior to each meeting of the Association.
4. Corresponding membership
Persons resident in Canada and having an interest in forest genetics or tree improvement, may apply for corresponding membership or be nominated by a member, and shall be elected on approval by the Executive. Continuation of corresponding membership shall require periodic affirmation of interest in activities of the Association.
b. Members Rights
- Registration fees for meetings of the Association shall be waived for honorary members.
- All classes of members shall be eligible to propose, debate, and vote on motions and in elections, and to serve on the Executive.
c. Withdrawal of Membership
- A member may resign by notifying the Executive Secretary or by instructing the Editor to remove his name from the mailing list. In the case of an Active Member, the Editor will then notify the Executive Secretary.
- An active member who does not attend or submit a report to three or more successive meetings may be deleted from the rolls or changed to corresponding membership at the discretion of the Executive.
Article IV
a. Composition
The Executive of the Association shall consist of a Chairman, a Past Chairman, a Vice Chairman (Symposium), a Vice Chairman (Local Arrangements), an Executive Secretary, an Editor, and a Treasurer.
b. Nomination, Election, and Resignation
1. Nomination
A nominating committee of more than one member appointed by the Chairman shall present a slate of candidates to the Executive Secretary not less than 60 days prior to the next business meeting of the Association. Additional nominations shall be accepted at any time up to the election for each office. Nominations shall include evidence of acceptance by the nominee.
2. Election
Election of officers shall take place during the business meeting immediately preceding the term of office of the new Executive. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for an office shall be elected to that office.
3. Resignation
An officer may resign by written notice to the Chairman, or to the Past Chairman in the event of resignation of the Chairman.
c. Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Executive shall have the power to:
1) determine the general content of the business, technical, and social portions of the meeting, in accordance with the instructions of the previous meeting;
2) carry out other instructions of the previous meeting, adhering to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association;
3) set registration fees for the next meeting;
4) solicit and accept contributions to meet Association expenses;5) fill vacancies on the Executive; and
6) initiate and carry out actions which they deem to be urgent in fulfilling the objectives of the Association.
2. The Executive shall be responsible for:
1) maintaining a current register of names, addresses, and affiliation of members of all classes;
2) maintaining an up-to-date mailing list;
3) presenting an accounting of Association funds at the business meeting;
4) timely publicizing of the next meeting; and
5) publication of Proceedings of the next meeting.
Article V
a. Chairman
The Chairman shall take office upon completion of the meeting which elected the new Executive. The Chairman shall have the power and responsibility to: 1) preside over the business meeting of the Association; 2) ascertain the will of the Executive within its mandate; 3) assume or delegate authority as required to carry out the functions of the Executive; and 4) carry out instructions from the previous business meeting to the Chairman.
The Chairman shall be responsible for managing the financial accounts of the current meeting. Following the Meeting, and within the same calendar year, the Chairman shall provide the Treasurer with an audited, detailed statement of receipts, expenditures, and balance of the Meeting accounts. A surplus will be transferred to the Association’s account. A request for funds to cover a deficit must be made to the Treasurer.
b. Past Chairman
The Past Chairman shall take office upon commencement of the term of the new Chairman and shall ensure publication of the Proceedings of the meeting for which he was chairman.
c. Vice Chairman (Symposium)
The Vice Chairman (Symposium) shall take office upon completion of the meeting which elected the new Executive. The Vice Chairman (Symposium) shall be responsible for the detailed organization of the Symposium for the next meeting, as instructed by the Executive, and shall act in place of the Chairman when required. The Vice Chairman (Symposium) shall prepare for publication the symposium manuscripts.
d. Vice Chairman (Local Arrangements)
The Vice Chairman (Local Arrangements) shall take office upon completion of the meeting which elected the new Executive. The Vice Chairman (Local Arrangements) shall be responsible for arranging meeting facilities, housing, transportation, hospitality for invited speakers, liaison with other organizations for joint meetings, and social activities for the next meeting, as instructed by the Executive, and shall act in place of the Chairman when required, subject to Article V (c).
e. Executive Secretary
The executive Secretary shall take office upon acceptance by the Past Chairman of the draft minutes of the meeting which elected the new Executive. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for: 1) carrying out the instructions of the Executive or the Chairman; 2) distribution of an agenda including proposed honorary members, nominations for the next Executive, and proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, not later than 30 days before the next business meeting; 3) recording and writing in acceptable form the minutes of the next business meeting; and 4) maintaining the permanent business files of the Association.
f. Editor
The Editor shall take office upon completion of the meeting which elected the new Executive, and shall be responsible for pursuing publication of Association Proceedings of the next meeting and other documents during the term of office. The Editor, together with the Executive Secretary, shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date listing of Association members as well as Canadian and foreign addressees who are to receive the Proceedings.
g. Treasurer
The treasurer shall take office upon completion of the meeting which elected the new Executive. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the accounts of the Association between meetings, providing a financial report to members at each business meeting, and ensuring the accounts are audited at regular intervals. The Treasurer shall provide funds to the Chairman in advance of each meeting to establish an operating account and receive surplus funds, if any, following each meeting for deposit in the Association account.
Article VI
a. Frequency
Meetings of the Association shall be held at least once every third year.The dates of the next meeting shall be decided by the Executive as instructed by the previous meeting.
b. Location
The location of the next meeting shall be determined by the Executive as instructed by the meeting before the previous meeting, subject to confirmation by the previous meeting.
c. Types of Sessions
Each meeting shall include a business meeting and technical sessions.
d. Business Meetings
1. Rules of Order
The business meeting shall hold itself bound by the rules and customs of general parliamentary law, having regard for the rights of the majority, the minorities, individual members, absentees, and all these together. The business meeting shall use Roberts’ Rules of Order (Newly Revised [l970] by H.M. Roberts, published by Scott, Foresman and Company, U.S.A.) as its guide to this general parliamentary law.
2. Quorum
A quorum shall consist of a presiding officer conducting the meeting, a secretary, and 15 members.
3. Agenda
The agenda for each business meeting shall include: 1) adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting; 2) voting on proposed new honorary and active members; 3) a report from the Chairman on activities of the outgoing Executive; 4) an accounting of Association funds; 5) reports of committees and working parties; 6) items placed on the agenda by the Executive; 7) election of the new Executive; 8) location and content of future meetings; and 9) other business.
4.Technical Sessions
Format and content of technical sessions shall be determined by the Executive as instructed by the previous meeting, and shall normally include a Symposium. An Association Symposium can be any form of technical session dealing with a specified topic.
Article VII
A business meeting shall have the power to establish ad hoc committees, standing committees, and working parties, and to establish terms of reference for these committees and working parties.
Article VIII
a. Past Chairman’s Report
After each meeting, the Past Chairman shall prepare one or more papers on the highlights of the meeting, for publication in a reputable journal serving those people responsible for managing Canada’s forests and related research programs. The Past Chairman may request assistance from members of the previous Executive for this purpose.
b. Active Members’ Progress Reports
Active members’ progress reports shall be published as Part 1 of the Proceedings of the Association, together with the minutes of the business meeting. Copies shall be distributed to all members, and to others on request.
c. Papers Presented at Technical Sessions
Formal papers presented at the Symposium shall be published as Part 2 of the Proceedings, together with a listing or summary of members’ reports and a
list of active members with their addresses and affiliations. Part 2 of the Proceedings shall be widely distributed both to members and to persons concerned with research and forest management policies. Papers or discussions, or both, from other technical sessions shall be published in Part I or Part 2 of the Proceedings, at the discretion of the meeting concerned, or of the Editor.
d. Reports of Working Parties
Reports of working parties shall be distributed to all members or published either separately or in a reputable journal, at the discretion of the business meeting, subject to availability of funds.
e. Separate Publication
Parts I and 2 of the Proceedings shall be published as separate volumes.
Article IX
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by either of the following procedures:
a. With Notice of Motion
- A proposed amendment signed by two members and received in writing by the Executive Secretary not less than 60 days before the date of the next business meeting, shall require a majority affirmative vote for adoption.
- Amendment of any proposed amendments during debate shall not invalidate the notice of motion.
- Proxy ballots in writing shall be accepted for voting on amendments receiving notice of motion.
b. Without Notice of Motion
An amendment proposed during a business meeting, or failing to meet the time requirement for notice of motion, shall require for adoption an affirmative vote of no fewer than 20 members, and of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting.
Article X
Standing rules may be adopted by a majority affirmative vote of a business meeting.